Success! Indicates a successful or positive action.

Simon Wunderlich

Connect: https://www.linkedin.com/in/simonwunderlich/

URL: https://simonwunderlich.de/

Username: simonwunderlich

Pick And Place
#4 / 15878:098:031:50:01top 1%
Inverted Pendulum
#183 / 16931:00:401:09:560:28top 14%
Wall Following
#604 / 142750.52%61.47%15.26%top 24%
Pit Escape
#187 / 76092.51%97.07%3.57%top 6%
Square Path
#1714 / 312782.92%91.07%5.25%top 10%
Obstacle Avoidance
#1972 / 482044:1430:171:20:01top 28%
Viewpoint Control
#2742 / 501291.84%100.00%0.00%top 9%
Robot Programming
#4692 / 642898.81%100.00%0.00%top 2%
Note: The certificate image reflects only the highest level benchmarks, if more than one highest level benchmark is displayed, the achievement value is averaged and the certificate appears in gold color.